Popular Chemicals FAQ

Popular Chemicals FAQ

Acetone, Isopropyl, MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone).

What do these three chemicals have in common? They are three of the most commonly used chemicals, and as a result the three chemicals that are spilled the most.

Here are answers to some common questions regarding the big three in the world of chemicals.

Safety with Acetone

Where is Acetone present in the home?

Acetone is present in nail polish remover, paint, wax, varnish, and other common household products.

Is Acetone dangerous?

Yes. Because Acetone evaporates quickly, it is extremely dangerous to have around an open flame, as it will ignite.

What happens if you come into contact with Acetone?

Acetone is harmful if it is inhaled, ingested, or makes contact with the skin. Inhalation of Acetone will irritate the nose and throat. Contact with the skin can result in damage. Drinking or ingesting Acetone can make you pass out. Don’t get Acetone in your eyes, as it could result in permanent blindness.

What is MEK?

Also known as Butanone, MEK is short for “Methyl Ethyl Ketone.”

What is Butanone used for?Methyl Ethyl Ketone

Butanone (MEK) is a colorless liquid that is used as an industrial solvent.

Is MEK dangerous?

Yes. Like Acetone, coming into contact with MEK is harmful. Exposure to the skin, or inhalation can result in irritation. Rubbing your eyes after handling MEK can result in blindness. Ingesting MEK can result in fainting, or even death.

What is Isopropyl?

Isopropyl is a common alcohol. It is colorless, flammable, and has a strong odor.

What is Isopropyl used for?Isopropyl Alcohol

Is Isopropyl dangerous?


What are the chemical components in Isopropyl.

Drum Pumps for Safe Chemical Transfer

When you purchase a GoatThroat pump, you can say goodbye to dangerous, messy chemical spills. Say goodbye to wasting valuable liquid product as a result of sloppy, inefficient pouring methods. Industry-trusted GoatThroat Pumps offer the easiest and safest way to transfer and dispense liquids. Our hand pump products and hazardous material pump products can be used for both corrosive and flammable liquids. Our trusted, recognized pump products are ideal for any environment where chemicals and potentially hazardous materials are used like laboratories or manufacturing. GoatThroat Pumps work well because they have a no-nonsense design that makes dispensing liquids from giant containers as easy as turning on a faucet with one touch. We’ve designed our pumps to handle anything from a two-gallon jug to a 55-gallon drum. We’ll even work with you to help select the best of our products to create a solution that works for your specific chemical usage. GoatThroat Pumps work by pressurizing a container to dispense liquids. Our one-touch flow control dispenses liquids at a controlled rate to prevent waste, conserve inventory, and produce precisely measured amounts every time. Flow can be continuous, or adjusted to dispense liquids at rates up to 4.5 gallons per minute depending on viscosity. Here’s a look at some of the perks of choosing GoatThroat when looking around for hand pump manufacturers:

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  • Adjustable flow rates of up to 4.5 gallons per minute.
  • OSHA and EPA compliance.

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